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mynd gum
as easy as 1, 2, 3

How it works

step 1
Subscribe and Save
When placing your order, select Subscribe & Save. Then choose your delivery frequency.
step 2
Subscribe and forget it.
Your mynd™ subscription order will automatically ship at your requested delivery frequency. No worries, you can focus your mynd on other things.
step 3
There is no step 3!
Unless you change your mynd, then you can revise your Subscribe and Save order with just one click (cancel any time).
still thinking about it?

mynd gumQuestions still on your

When is my order placed?

mynd™ will process your first subscription order within one business day of completing your order. After that, your orders will continue at the selected frequency and ship based on the date you placed your initial order. You’ll need to create an account with a password to complete your first Subscribe and Save order at checkout.

Will I receive notification that my order is shipped?

We’ll send you an email confirmation once your subscription order is processed, with tracking information included.

How do I change or cancel my subscription?

Log into your account and access your Subscribe & Save order. There you are able to change the product, the frequency or cancel your subscription. Please remember that if you do make a change, the counting for 7th-Order Free restarts.

Are there other additional terms and conditions?

Your Subscribe & Save orders cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts, or limited-time offerings.

Discounted bundles and bulk products are not available for subscription.

To qualify for a 7th-Order Free, your Subscribe & Save orders must maintain active status for 6 consecutive orders.

I don’t see my question here. What should I do?

Try the HELP button or contact us at

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